FREE Webinar: 10 Practical Steps to Support School Attendance

Date: Tuesday 26th November 12pm – 1pm

Venue: Online - Google Meet

Hosts: Rich Head & Thomas Oates

My name is Thomas Oates, I’ve been using Motional for eight years, beginning with the platform as a tool to support Emotional Health and Mental Wellbeing within a single school. Today, I work with Motional at the Local Authority level, implementing the platform across all schools in Barnsley.

I'm co-hosting a FREE webinar: 10 Practical Steps to Support School Attendance

This is a fantastic opportunity to learn actionable strategies for improving attendance in your school.

Throughout my journey, the Motional team’s expertise, along with the platform’s user-friendly design, has proven invaluable. The impact of Motional has been tremendous, with clear improvements in student attendance, behaviour, and wellbeing.

We know that high attendance is closely linked to academic success, and the Department for Education requires proactive efforts to maintain strong attendance. To help your school meet these requirements—and, more importantly, to enhance each student’s learning experience—I strongly encourage you to attend this webinar. You’ll leave with practical ideas that can drive meaningful improvements in attendance within your school.

Thomas Oates
Virtual School Headteacher, Barnsley Council
On behalf of

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"The training and support has been excellent- from the initial implementation, to the on-going training and update sessions. It is refreshing to have support from a human being and not an automated service!"

Sarah Wilkins, - Executive Headteacher St Meriadoc Infant School & St Meriadoc Junior School

Sarah Wilkins, - Executive Headteacher St Meriadoc Infant School & St Meriadoc Junior School

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