Innovative Ways to Fund Motional

Explore creative and effective strategies to bring Motional's transformative tools to your school community.

From engaging your local community to partnering with businesses, discover how you can fund Motional and invest in your students' Emotional Wellbeing.

Funding Motional for Schools

Empowering schools with flexible funding options to prioritise Teacher and Student Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing

At Motional, we are committed to helping schools access our tools regardless of their budget. We keep the cost of our platform as low as possible, but even at our low pricing point, we understand that schools may still face financial challenges. That's why we've compiled innovative funding strategies to help you bring our tools to your school, ensuring every child has access to the support they need.

Please note, Motional does not recommend any specific platform or partner in the examples provided below. You may find others that suit your school community better.


If you don't ask, you don't get!
Create an easy way for people to donate to your school. Online school payment and service providers such as ParentPay, offer easy ways to add donations to your school's website.

tick item icon Identify your goal:
Make sure to clearly identify your school's goal for the donations, for example, funding Motional will support the development of an emotionally healthy culture throughout the whole school.

tick item icon Make it easy:
Create a dedicated page on your website for donations, and use social media, newsletters and any other communication channels to promote it.

tick item icon Maximise donations with Gift Aid:
Encourage the use of Gift Aid to maximise the donations you receive by 25%.

Increase Pupil Engagement

Crowdfunding Campaigns

Harness the power of your community through crowdfunding platforms. Crowdfunding allows you to reach a wider audience and engage supporters beyond your immediate school community, helping raise awareness of the importance you put on Emotional Wellbeing within your school.

tick item icon Reach out to the community:
Platforms like Crowdfunder UK and GoFundMe specialise in education-focused campaigns.

Cashback donations

Platforms including EasyFundraising and Give as you live offer cashback on purchases. Just through their usual shopping online, your community can help raise funds, with brands donating cashback to your school. Over 7,000 brands are available to shop with, including Amazon, Argos, Tesco, eBay, and so many more...

tick item icon It's the brands who pay:
As much as 15% of spend could be donated to your school from participating brands.

tick item icon Ongoing fundraising:
Send out the occasional reminder to your school community to shop using your fundraising link and update them on the total raised and how it will be / is being used.

Increase Pupil Engagement

Engaging with PTFA and Parent Community

Your Parent, Teacher, and Friends Association (PTFA) can be a powerful ally in funding initiatives like Motional. Organise events that not only raise funds but also increase awareness about Emotional Wellbeing - once Motional is in place, you can give future updates on how the funds were used and the impact it has had on your school community.

tick item icon Non-uniform days:
Hosting two themed non-uniform days per year, asking for a £1 donation per child could fund Motional for the entire year!

tick item icon Theme your fundraising events:
Align these days with mental health awareness events, such as Children's Mental Health Week, to amplify their impact and educational value.

Participants' Scores

First Name
Last Name
Isabella Rose 68.33% 41.67% 67%
Alexa Cooper 65% 45% 69%
Philip Powell 75% 40% 60%
Francesca Cooper 71.67% 40% 73%
Isabel Edwards 76.67% 28.33% 66%

Business Sponsorship

Local businesses could be your perfect partner - by reaching out within the local area, you could find a business looking to contribute to their community in a lasting way. Partnering with a business to sponsor Motional can be a win-win situation.

tick item icon Benefits for businesses: Sponsorship demonstrates a commitment to community wellbeing and can enhance a company's corporate social responsibility profile.

tick item icon Long-term partnerships: Consider proposing multi-year sponsorships to ensure sustained funding for Motional.

Find out more about Motional Sponsorship
Increase Pupil Engagement

Make the most of your MAT

If you are part of a MAT or Trust, establishing Motional for all settings will save each school 10% on their subscription.

tick item icon Stronger together:
Not only does it save each school 10% on their subscription, but it also allows you to share resources and best practices across your network of schools.

Organisational Snapshot

Talk to your Local Authority

Numerous Local Authority areas now fund Motional for all of their schools, many using it to support their Virtual Schools, attendance approaches and some broadening into their criminal justice teams.

tick item icon The maximum benefit for all:
For the maximum impact on Emotional Wellbeing for all children and young people, implementation of Motional across a whole Local Authority provides a consistent, trackable and reportable approach to Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health.

"We have found using the Motional assessment measure to be very suited to our surf therapy programmes. The science behind it, applying Panksepp's neuroscience on emotional systems really fits... The psycho-education at the beginning of our sessions... the reflections at the end ... and measuring all of this using Motional and participant feedback, shows the huge impact our programmes have had."

Jessica Colacicco Tizzard - Director & Psychotherapist, Wild and Free Therapy C.I.C.

Jessica Colacicco Tizzard - Director & Psychotherapist, Wild and Free Therapy C.I.C.

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