Elevate Children's Wellbeing through Sponsorship:

Let's collaborate to create a world where every child feels valued, supported, and empowered to thrive emotionally.

Partner with Motional and schools of your choice, for genuine CSR Impact and real world benefits lasting a limetime!

Together, we can make a difference.

About Motional

Sponsor individual schools, Multi-Academy Trusts, or entire Local Authorities of your choice (or let us help!), with flexible packages designed to align with your CSR vision and resources.

At Motional, we're dedicated to nurturing the Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health of children through innovative technology. We're excited to extend an invitation to businesses like yours to join us in this vital mission through our Sponsorship Program.

Why Sponsor Children's Wellbeing?

Investing in children's Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health isn't just an act of corporate social responsibility - it's an investment in a healthier, happier future for generations to come.

By sponsoring schools, Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs), and Local Authorities through Motional, businesses can play a crucial role in supporting the holistic development of young minds.

Benefits for your Business Benefits for each School How much it costs

Listen to our founder Neil discuss Motional on The Safeguarding Company's podcast.

Benefits of Sponsorship:

tick item icon Demonstrate Commitment to Wellbeing: Sponsoring initiatives focused on children's Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health demonstrates your company's genuine commitment to societal wellness. It sends a powerful message that your brand values the holistic development and happiness of future generations. These of course will be your children, and your employee’s children.

tick item icon Amplify Brand Impact: Through our Sponsorship Program, your company will enjoy enhanced visibility among schools, MATs, and Local Authorities using Motional. Your brand will be prominently featured in materials and platforms focused on children's wellbeing, on the Motional and the school’s websites, amplifying your impact and reputation within communities.

tick item icon Empower Positive Change: Your sponsorship directly contributes to the adoption of Motional in educational settings, providing schools with valuable tools to understand the children in their care and to support them to express, and manage their emotions effectively. By investing in children's wellbeing, you're fostering resilience, empathy, and lifelong skills for navigating the complexities of life.

tick item icon Forge Meaningful Connections: Sponsoring initiatives that prioritise children's emotional wellbeing fosters meaningful connections with educators, parents, and community stakeholders. It's an opportunity to engage with like-minded individuals and organisations dedicated to creating a supportive environment for every child to thrive.

Class 3 - Groupshot

What Motional Provides each School

Motional provides a suite of easy-to-use tools, designed to measure, positively impact, and report on emotional health across the whole school or setting. We offer guidance, activities and resources for intervention work with individual pupils or whole classes, alongside data to provide a ‘whole school’ approach.

Our Organisational Snapshot & Action Plan supports the development of an emotionally healthy culture throughout the whole school - gathering feedback and providing expert advice across Leadership and Management, Environment and Ethos, Policy and Practice.

Whole School Benefits
Snapshots and Groupshots - better understand how well an individual or group is functioning in terms of their Emotional Wellbeing & Mental Health tick item icon
Easy to access data - Charts and Tables showing change over time for individual pupils, groups or classes tick item icon
Whole school data - includes latest scores and change / need indicators by year group, key stage, pupil premium, SEN, etc. tick item icon
Early indication of change or need - identify children who may otherwise fall through the gap tick item icon
Whole School Reports Builder tick item icon
Organisational Snapshot - understand stakeholder perspective across the whole setting tick item icon
School Action Planner - create a bespoke Action Plan based on the Organisational Snapshot results, Assigning Tasks (including expert curated suggestions) and Evidencing Progress & Change to show Intent, Implementation, and Impact with ease! (perfect for Ofsted, Estyn, ISI, CQC, and other inspection bodies) tick item icon

Sponsorship Pricing:

We deal with each sponsorship application individually, checking the pupil numbers for the school, multiple schools, Mulit-Academy Trust or even Local Authority you wish to sponsor to make sure each setting gets full, whole-school access and thefore the greatest benefit to all children within the setting.

If you are interested in sponsorship but don't have a school in mind, please get in touch and we can match you with a setting based on your CSR goals and the needs of a school.

Existing sponsoship partners have opted to initially sponsor their chosen setting for 3 years, to ensure processes are well embeded and really see the longer term results and impact of their sponsorship.

Typical Pricing: (paid annually, pricing is dependent on the number of students in a setting)

Small School

From £ 449 + VAT per year
That's less than £ 9 per week!

Primary School

£ 884 + VAT per year
That's less than £ 17 per week!

Secondary School

From £ 1999 + VAT per year
That's just £ 39 per week!

Ready to make a lasting impact on children's wellbeing while elevating your company's CSR initiatives? Partner with Motional and become a sponsor of schools, MATs, or Local Authorities committed to nurturing children's emotional health.

Together, we can empower children, strengthen communities, and build a brighter future for all.

"We are thrilled to announce that we will be sponsoring our local Primary School for the next three years. We believe that the wellbeing of children has a direct impact on the wellbeing of their parents and, as a result, on our workforce. Here at FuseboxCornwall, we take pride in our track record of giving back to the community, and what can be more important than Children’s Mental Health?"

Amanda - Director, FuseBox Cornwall

FuseBox Cornwall

"One of the best services I've ever used for helping children make sense of their world and regulate their behaviour."

Sally Smith, St Cleer Primary

Sally Smith, St Cleer Primary

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