Our Whole School Approach

Research shows that settings that adopt a multi-component approach and an ethos that influences all aspects of a school/similar organisation are more effective in promoting social, emotional health and mental wellbeing.

The ‘whole school approach’ involves all stakeholders; for a school this includes pupils, staff, parents and the community as well as outside agencies in addressing emotional wellbeing and mental health issues.

Creating a systematic approach that distributes workload away from the SLT and shares responsibility to ensure no child falls through the gap.

By getting the most out of Motional, you've got the best chance of positively impacting those in your care. With a Whole School Approach, Motional is used as a shared resource by your whole team. From a teacher completing full class Groupshots in as little as an hour per term, to senior leadership making data-driven resource allocation and support decisions, sharing the responsibility gives the greatest impact for everyone in and linked to your setting.

The Whole School Approach

Motional can be used for intervention, however, the greatest impact on outcomes for young people exists when emotional health tools and approaches are embedded within the whole school or setting. The integration of Motional alongside whole-school/whole-setting training and into staff CPD as part of a routine is an important aspect of this.

Motional is an intuitive, collaborative system and has been built with the user in mind and with all the necessary guides and training embedded throughout however we do offer live, online sessions that we can tailor to your needs to support your whole school approach.

One of the key benefits of Motional is that it distributes responsibility for emotional wellbeing across the team rather than it being the responsibility of a single individual or an approach practiced in a single room. It enables a holistic approach. This is supported by whole-school data, organisational and classroom-practice development embedded within advice and activities that directly support young people but that also support Continuous Professional Development.

Motional is more than this though. Motional is a growing community of like-minded professionals that share a common language as well as a set of tools and an opportunity to collaborate – Whole School is the start; Whole community is where the real power exists to make lasting change to our children’s emotional health and wellbeing!

Organisational Snapshots: Comprehensive Stakeholder Insights and Development Planning

Capture valuable insights from key stakeholders (Governor, SLT, Staff, Support Staff) across various domains encompassing Leadership & Management, Environment & Ethos, Policy & Practice.

Use the gathered data to construct an Action Plan and allocate responsibility, incorporating suggested actions, evidence sources, and reflective questions tailored to your team's needs.

Effortlessly document your progress over time by uploading evidence showcasing Intent, Implementation, and Impact, providing a comprehensive record of your organisation's growth.

Explore The Motional Organisational Snapshot & Action Plan tool

Who within my team can utilise Motional?

Our suite of online tools are designed to be used by the whole team, effectively distributing responsibility and awareness.


SENDCo’s and ALNCo’s can use Motional to identify those with the highest need, and using the RAG rating tools, can then spot those showing negative change over time and ensure that those individuals have their needs met.

TA, HLTA and LSA’s

TAs, HLTAs and LSA’s use Motional whilst working one-to-one or in small groups using the advice, guidance and activities recommended by Motional to make a positive difference.

Senior Leads

Senior leads can review data, spotting trends across the school, across key stages, year groups or classes, and in turn, can use this data to effectively allocate resources and demonstrate the intent, implementation and impact of those resources or the interventions being used.

"The training and support has been excellent- from the initial implementation, to the on-going training and update sessions. It is refreshing to have support from a human being and not an automated service!"

Sarah Wilkins, - Executive Headteacher St Meriadoc Infant School & St Meriadoc Junior School

Sarah Wilkins, - Executive Headteacher St Meriadoc Infant School & St Meriadoc Junior School

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