At Motional, we know the two biggest challenges in schools are a lack of funds and a lack of resources - we've built our suite of tools with these challenges in mind, enabling your team to have the greatest beneficial impact for the children in your care.
Motional can be used by all staff without the need for specific training, when assistance is needed, our UK based support team can be easily reached from within the app. A comprehensive Support Library is available and regular training sessions can be booked onto by any member of staff if they need a refresher.
We have many time saving features built into our app, most notably, it can take a teacher as little as one hour per term to complete a review for a full class/group of children.
Our tool can record ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and Protective Factor scores where required and gives staff a whole-brain picture of students' mental health and wellbeing.
Motional is based on research on emotional systems in the brain and extensive research, studies and expertise in executive functional skills - mental skills that include working memory, flexible thinking, and self-control (Panksepp, Hughes, Siegel, Porges, Wells).
How it Works